
10 Common Questions When My Leased Line Is Going Away

<p>As telecom providers continue to either cease offering leased line services or dramatically raise prices in order to keep them, many organizations may be faced with limited time to find a suitable alternative. In this article we answer 10 common questions customers find themselves asking in this situation.</p>

FXS and FXO: What They Are and Different Phone Applications

In this article, we will explore several different solutions TC Communications can provide customers for different FXS/FXO and FXS/FXS applications, including extending phone lines over Ethernet and fiber, extending or, in some cases, replacing, a virtual PBX for VoIP connectivity, and creating a “hot link” (or hotline) between two analog telephones.

Analog Radio over IP: Enhanced Audio with TDM-over-IP

Many Radio over IP solutions are SIP based. SIP and VoIP can cause audio compression and have difficulty handling variation in latency. For a reliable and clear audio channel particularly for critical communications, TDM over IP technology is a better alternative.

Types of Network Topologies

A network topology categorizes all the different elements within a network. This includes repeaters, bridges, gateways, modems, and lines. Having a complete topology is important because it allows network managers to ability to identify which devices are being used and correctly plan for network upgrades.