Broadcasters & Bridges Phone

Broadcast over Phone

From forming a traditional Hoot N Holler system to a device that is specifically designed for emergency line applications, we can find what works for you.

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8 or 16 Ch. Hoot-n-holler Bridge (TC8926)

The TC8926 provides bridging of 4-wire analog audio, forming a traditional Hoot N Holler system. Connected to hoot phones, it bridges the audio and forms a party line. Whenever a handset unmuted, the caller can speak and broadcast to everyone in the party.

Emergency Phone Line Bridge (TC8938)

The TC8938-1/-2 receives and broadcasts a 2-wire analog POTS signal to up to 7 remote phones. The initiator of the call can have a conversation with up to 7 remote users on the same phone line. It provides one master FXS port for initiating the emergency phone call and 7 FXS extension ports, each one connecting to 2-wire analog phones. Each remote port provides its own ring generator that rings a conventional 2-wire analog phone.